I am trying to redirect the Spring Boot logs to log4j2 but I don't see what I am missing with the configuration.
Notice between A and B, in the Picture 1 below, how the status logs contain some of log entries in my desired pattern but some do not.
In the picture "MYCONFIG > " is a temporary prefix for testing in my pattern.
What I am after is to customize the format of the logs after Spring Boot starts.
Picture 1 - Console Output:
Picture 2 - log4j2.properties File
What I have looked at so far is this: https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/appenders.html
My test log output shows up in the Spring Boot output through slf4j but not in my desired pattern.
Thanks in advance, Erion
I was able to indirectly solve this issue by simply upgrading to a more recent version of Spring Boot, 2.5.3.
As part of this I also had to add a direct dependency to the spring-boot-starter-validation library since it is not included as part of spring-boot-starter-web anymore.