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Optimum redistribution algorothm

Let's assume I have a bucket of identical items (n in number) distributed in identical buckets (m in number). The given distribution may or may not be fair/uniform. The goal is to write an algorithm that can uniformly redistribute these items by transferring some items. Each transfer has a cost associated with it, so the number of transfers must be minimum.

For example I have total 7 items in 3 buckets with this distribution. Input is a vector of size 'm' of number of items in each bucket with - 4, 2, 1

The solution would involve 1 transfer from bucket 1 to bucket 3 and the resulting distribution will look like - 3, 2, 2

Since n(7) is not perfectly divisible by m(3), this is the closest achievable uniform distribution.

Another sample case - input: {1, 4, 5, 11}

output: {5, 5, 5, 6}

Number of transfer to get to the output: 5

I'm looking for some existing algorithms that can solve this problem statement. Thanks!


  • While your use case doesn't necessitate putting much thought into the implementation, since the numbers are apparently small, it may sometimes be desirable to use an algorithm with a time complexity not essentially dependent on the number of items, e. g.:

    import numpy as np
    def dist(inp):
        inp = np.array(inp)
        m = len(inp)            # number of buckets
        n = sum(inp)            # number of items
        l = n//m                # low number in an output bucket
        h = (n+m-1)//m          # high number in an output bucket
        lo = inp < l            # buckets which need transfer to
        hi = inp > h            # buckets which need transfer from
        out = np.empty(m, int)
        out[lo] = l             # fill underfull buckets with low
        out[hi] = h             # fill overfull buckets with high
        out[~lo & ~hi] = inp[~lo & ~hi] # keep other buckets as is
        o = sum(out)            # check missing or surplus items
        if o < n: out[np.where(out == l)[0][:n-o]] = h  # adjust
        if o > n: out[np.where(out == h)[0][:o-n]] = l  # adjust
        return out