Postgres Version 11.7
I am trying to remove trailing zeros beyond two decimal places, while also adding thousand separator to my result set.
Example 1 produces the desired result; all trailing zeros were removed:
SELECT to_char(54354.0010, 'FM99 999 999 990.999999'); --> returns 54 354.001
Example 2 illustrates the problem:
SELECT to_char(54354.0000, 'FM99 999 999 990.999999'); --> returns 54 354.
In Example 2 all zeroes after the decimal are removed.
But the desired result would be:
54 354.00
The result should always have a minimum of two decimal places, regardless whether they are zero or not.
This produces your desired result:
SELECT to_char(54354.0000, 'FM99 999 999 990.009999')
Two 0
instead of 9
after the decimal point.
The manual:
digit position (can be dropped if insignificant)
digit position (will not be dropped, even if insignificant)