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Add Google Allow-List to MySQL Server Config File

Despite extensive searching, I have not found the syntax for adding ~70 URLs in the Google Allow-List to the my.ini config file, presumably using some form of bind-address?

Although I have successfully established a connection, using bind-address=, I would like to restrict access to that list.

Should they be entered as one long comma-separated string after the bind-address= statement?


  • MySQL 8.0.13 and higher support a comma-separated list of IP addresses as the value of bind-address.


    Older versions of MySQL don't support this feature. Run SELECT VERSION(); If it's less than 8.0.13, you must either upgrade to the current version of 8.0.x, or else solve this with a firewall of some kind (e.g. iptables), instead of MySQL's bind-address option.