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Error when installing graphviz on Mac using Homebrew

I am using macOS 11.5.1 Big Sur and I tried to install Graphviz via

brew install graphviz

but I got an error:

Error: python@3.9: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)

The version of my Homebrew is

Homebrew 3.0.5
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 7ff3c752de; last commit 2021-08-13)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision af069ca1b1; last commit 2021-08-13)

I have no idea about the reason. Any suggestions? Thank you.


  • I have fixed this issue, by the following commands.

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
    sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

    Then rerun the brew install:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    It works on my Mac. Just share in case that anyone encounters the same issue.