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Execute UNIX shell command with TCL version 8.5 commands

I'm trying to calculate the SHA1 of different TCL scripts in a folder for version checking (my TCL version is 8.5). I want to do this from within one of the TCL scripts, and print this info into a separate file. I thought I could do something like this:

set repoDir "some/repo/dir"
set scripts_hash [cd $repoDir/scripts; exec sha1sum ./* | sha1sum]
puts $file $scripts_hash

However, exec doesn't allow this? How can I execute a sha1sum shell command from within a .tcl script?


  • You could either explicitly loop over each element, or put them all together. Here's a loop option:

    # ... open $file
    set repoDir "some/repo/dir"
    foreach f [glob -directory $repoDir -- "*"] {
      puts $file [exec sha1sum $f]
    close $file

    and here's a one-shot call to sha1sum:

    # ... open $file
    set repoDir "some/repo/dir"
    puts $file [exec sha1sum {*}[glob -directory $repoDir -- "*"]]
    close $file

    The {*} prefix forces TCL (v8.5+) to expand each of the resulting glob list items to become individual arguments for sha1sum.