I'm trying to send a transactional email with my new SendInBlue account and I keep receiving an error that simply says "Forbidden". I followed the example on SendInBlue's Nodejs docs to write this code:
const SibApiV3Sdk = require('sib-api-v3-sdk');
const defaultClient = SibApiV3Sdk.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: api-key
const apiKey = defaultClient.authentications['api-key'];
apiKey.apiKey = 'xxx';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Token' (defaults to null)
//apiKey.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token'
// Configure API key authorization: partner-key
//const partnerKey = defaultClient.authentications['partner-key'];
//partnerKey.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Token' (defaults to null)
//partnerKey.apiKeyPrefix['partner-key'] = 'Token'
const apiInstance = new SibApiV3Sdk.TransactionalEmailsApi();
const sendSmtpEmail = new SibApiV3Sdk.SendSmtpEmail(); // SendSmtpEmail | Values to send a transactional email
const sendEmail = async (to, subject, htmlBody, textBody) => {
sendSmtpEmail.to = [{ email: to }];
sendSmtpEmail.sender = { email: '*', name: '*' };
sendSmtpEmail.htmlContent = `*`;
sendSmtpEmail.textContent = `*`;
sendSmtpEmail.subject = `*`;
sendSmtpEmail.replyTo = { email: '*' };
const result = await apiInstance.sendTransacEmail(sendSmtpEmail);
return result;
export { sendEmail };
The apiInstance.sendTransacEmail(sendSmtpEmail)
line throws a 403 error that simply says "Forbidden". How do I fix this?
Your transactional account is not activated. Create a ticket on SendinBlue support. They will activate it and your issue will be resolved.