I'm trying to make the comments wider on Slashdot, especially on mobile (Firefox). There is a big gap on the left.
(any Slashdot story will work)
The selector is div#comments.a2commentwrap
. Examining it you can see that it has the property margin-right: 320px;
and if you reduce it to 20px the big gap goes away.
I can't get the rule to work though. I have
slashdot.org##div#comments.a2commentwrap:style(margin-right: 20px; !important;)
but it has no effect. I tested background-color: #333!important;
and that worked.
What am I doing wrong?
It's because you terminated your style with ;
before !important
slashdot.org##div#comments.a2commentwrap:style(margin-right: 20px !important;)