I'm struggling to get the following code working. The data I have is a data.frame of a physical test. Athletes who did the test are classified based on a 'Sport Specific' paramater.
wingate_benchmarks <- wingate_data %>%
select(`Sport Specific`,`Minimum power output`,`Average power output`,
`Relative Average Power`,`Peak Power`,`Time to peak`,`Max. RPM`,`Time to Max. RPM`,`Total Work`) %>%
group_by(`Sport Specific`) %>%
dplyr::summarize_at(vars(`Minimum power output`,`Average power output`,
`Relative Average Power`,`Peak Power`,`Time to peak`,`Max. RPM`,`Time to Max. RPM`,`Total Work`),
list(mean = mean, sd = sqrt((n()-1)/n())*sd))
If I use only sd, it calculates the Standard Deviation as if the data is a sample, but it should be considered as the full popluation. Hence the sqrt((n()-1)/n())
But R keeps returning: Error: n()
must only be used inside dplyr verbs.
Is there anyway to solve this? Thanks!
Here's an attempt, not certain if it will work with your data.
wingate_data %>%
select(`Sport Specific`, `Minimum power output`, `Average power output`,
`Relative Average Power`, `Peak Power`, `Time to peak`,
`Max. RPM`, `Time to Max. RPM`, `Total Work`) %>%
group_by(`Sport Specific`) %>%
across(`Minimum power output`, `Average power output`, `Relative Average Power`,
`Peak Power`, `Time to peak`, `Max. RPM`, `Time to Max. RPM`, `Total Work`,
list(mean = ~ mean(.), sd = ~ sqrt((n()-1)/n()) * sd(.))
We can see it in action using mtcars
mtcars %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
list(mean = ~ mean(.), sd = ~ sqrt((n()-1)/n()) * sd(.))
# # A tibble: 3 x 9
# cyl vs_mean vs_sd am_mean am_sd gear_mean gear_sd carb_mean carb_sd
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 4 0.909 0.287 0.727 0.445 4.09 0.514 1.55 0.498
# 2 6 0.571 0.495 0.429 0.495 3.86 0.639 3.43 1.68
# 3 8 0 0 0.143 0.350 3.29 0.700 3.5 1.5
As @Limey said in their comment, the summarize_*
functions have been superseded by across
, which generally takes two arguments: the variables (in tidyselect
fashion), and some form of function(s).
The functions can be provided in several ways:
summarize(across(vs:carb, mean))
;summarize(across(vs:carb, function(z) mean(z)/2))
-style tilde funcs, summarize(across(vs:carb, ~ mean(.)))
, where the .
is replaced with the column (vector); ormtcars
working answer above.