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How to accept a window confirm fired by an iframe with Cypress

I'm having some problems with Cypress when I need to accept a window confirm popup that is fired from a iframe. Cypress it's not very friendly with iframes, but I managed to make it work until I've found that need.

So here's what I've tried (based on this):

cy.get("[title='Some title']").then(($iframe) => {
      const $body = $iframe.contents().find("body");
      const $win = $iframe[0].contentWindow;

      cy.stub($win, "confirm").as("windowConfirm");

        .click() // this fires the confirm popup
        .should(function () {
            `Continue deletion?`

It actually asserts the text inside the popup, but never accepts it. I've tried different methods I've found (i.e. using a.on("window:confirm", () => true) but I've got no results.

Thank you!


  • Just add your truthy function to the stub

    cy.stub($win, 'confirm', () => true)

    Prints CONFIRMED to the console.

    it('confirms in iframe', () => {
      cy.get('iframe').then(($iframe) => {
        const $body = $iframe.contents().find('body')
        const $win = $iframe[0].contentWindow
        cy.stub($win, 'confirm', () => true)
        cy.stub($win.console, 'log').as('consoleLog')
          .find('input').click().should(function () {
            expect(this.windowConfirm)'Are you sure you want to submit your application?')
            expect(this.consoleLog)'CONFIRMED')  // passes