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Windows Batch - delete last characters from variable

I need to delete the last 3 characters from a variable in Windows batch

set string=abcdefghij

I need the following output:


I can delete the first 3 characters from the variable using this:

set newstring=%string:~3,100%
echo %newstring%



But how can I delete the last 3 characters from the string - and store the result into a variable?

I can show the string without the last 3 characters by using sed (from GnuWin32) but I also need to store the result into another variable. I need a better solution than storing the result in a file and then reading the file into a variable (set /p newstring=<file.txt)

Later note: This question is very different, it needs removing last characters from a multi-line text, while I need removing last characters from a variable.


  • Just use negative index

    set longtext=1234567890
    :: Remove last 3 characters
    echo %longtext:~0,-3%
    :: show last three characters
    echo %longtext:~-3%

