recently my admin asked me if I can create an app to input some data into our Sonicwall. I found some API, created an account, and ran some "get" methods, which worked just fine. I am trying now to post a new object into our pv4 rules and cannot get over it. The problem is when I write something like this:
def postIpv4Object(session):
body = {
"address_objects": [{
"ipv4": {
"name": "Test 1",
"zone": "LAN",
"host": {
"ip": ""
resp = + '/api/sonicos/address-objects/ipv4', headers=good_headers,params=body, verify=False)
I am still getting this error:
{'status': {'info': [{'code': 'E_INVALID_API_CALL',
'level': 'error',
'message': 'Expected a request body.'}],
'success': False}}
I am reading docs but cannot really figure this out. Does anyone tried it and help me out a little?
After a couple of days of trying, I figured that "body" should be converted into JSON type, and instead of "params I need to use "data".