I want to add the "Choose file option" inside CKEditor. For that, I am referring to this documentation on Upload image plugin
When clicking on this image icon, the below window opens up
There is no upload image option (choose file option). I want to add this plugin along with CKEditor. Is there any way to add this using npm ?
Or is there any other way I can include this feature in CKEditor 4?
Here sharing same above if someone looking for it.
extraPlugins: 'uploadimage'
config options.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl
and config.filebrowserUploadUrl configuration
as per DocumentationHere is sample demo
Main part is
this.ckeConfig = {
extraPlugins: 'uploadimage',
uploadUrl: 'https://ckeditor.com/apps/ckfinder/3.4.5/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files&responseType=json',
// Configure your file manager integration. This example uses CKFinder 3 for PHP.