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Camunda - Disable demo user getting created every startup?

I have deployed Camunda 7.15.0 in a Ubuntu 18.04 EC2 machine (downloaded the .zip, extracted it, and then ran the .sh file). For the initial login to Camunda dashboard, I used the 'demo' user and its credentials. As 'demo' user has admin privileges and its credentials are publicly available, I created another user with my own credentials and deleted the 'demo' user. Note that I have added as a Systemctl service, so that whenever the server reboots, the Camunda service gets started too.

However, when I restarted the Camunda EC2 server (for my own reasons), while Camunda started without any issue, I can see that 'demo' user has been created again. Is there a way to disable this from happening (via Dashboard or by modifying Camunda files in the EC2)?


  • A) If you are using the Tomcat distribution, check if your distribution contains the example web application camunda-invoice in the folder \camunda-bpm-.....\server\apache-tomcat-9.....\webapps

    This example project contains org.camunda.bpm.example.invoice.DemoDataGenerator, which creates the user here:

    You can just delete the folder camunda-invoice completely if you dont want the example.

    If you want to consume a pre-built distribution, then I would recommend to also have a look at the newer RUN distribution: which is available as the standard download on the CAMUNDA website:

    B) If you are using the RUN distribution then remove the admin-user section:

      #id: demo
      #password: demo
          enabled: true
          allowed-origins: "*"

    from the configuration file camunda-bpm-run-7.....\configuration\default.yml, lines 5-8.

    If you are preparing for production usage you may also want to consider using the production.yml config file instead. Please see related documentation covering various configuration options here: