Search code examples

Concat multi-index data based on inner level

I have a multi-index dataframe of the form below():

key  nm    c0    c1   c2   c3  
bar one -0.42  0.56  0.27 -1.08
    two -0.67  0.11 -1.47  0.52
baz one  0.40  0.57 -1.71 -1.03
    two -0.37 -1.15 -1.34  0.84

I want to concatenate the numbers in the df based on the inner level index i.e. nm separated by \n (assuming the numbers are represented as strings) and get rid of that level nm ;like this below:

key      c0                 c1           c2            c3  
bar  -0.42\n-0.67    0.56\n0.11     0.27\n-1.47   -1.08\n0.52
baz   0.40\n-0.37    0.57\n-1.15    -1.71\n-1.34  -1.03\n0.84

Please guide on how it can be achieved.


  • You can groupby on "key" and join with "\n". NB. You first need to cast your data as string:



                   c0           c1            c2           c3
    bar  -0.42\n-0.67   0.56\n0.11   0.27\n-1.47  -1.08\n0.52
    baz    0.4\n-0.37  0.57\n-1.15  -1.71\n-1.34  -1.03\n0.84