I've been trying and failing repeatedly to install this parcel module and because of it I can't show images. I'm new to both using JS and using parcel and english is not my native language, so please ask for some patience here.
The error that appears is
Failed to install @parcel/transformer-image: npm failed to install modules: Unexpected token > in JSON at position 1
I've tried numerous solutions:
At first, the build didn't work, but when I deactivated and activated the parcel again, it worked, but without loading the images. At this the moment the error doesn't appear anymore, but the image still doesn't load (and I inspected the element and saw that the link where the image should be loaded is correct).
After installing nodist and even after uninstalling it I'm having problems installing the parcel, but I managed it anyway.
This is how I solved it. There were two issues I needed to resolve:
npm install parcel-bundler --save-dev
SOURCE: https://parceljs.org/getting_started.html
To solve this I had to add the code below for "browserslist" to package.json
"name": "my-app",
"browserslist": [
"last 1 Chrome versions"
SOURCE: https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel/issues/2128
package.json settings shown in the pic attached.