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Invoking Pyspark script from Scala Spark Code

I have a Scala Spark application and want to invoke pySpark/python ( for further processing.

There are multiple resources to use Java/Scala code in Python but I am looking for scala->Pyspark

I explored Jython for Scala/Java to include Python code as follows:

PythonInterpreter.initialize(System.getProperties, properties, sysArgs)
val pi = new PythonInterpreter()

I see error that says: "ImportError: No module named pyspark"

Is there any way on how Scala spark can talk to PYSpark with same sparkContext/session?


  • You can run shell commands in scala using process object.

    // Spark codes goes here .....
    // Call pyspark code 
    import sys.process._
    "python3 /path/to/python/!!

    To use same session add below line to python file.

    spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

    You can use getActiveSession() method also.

    NOTE: Make sure you installed pyspark module. You can do that by using pip3 install pyspark command.