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Puppeteer unable to find element using xPath contains(text()) until after element has been selected in chrome dev tools

I am trying to click the "Create File" button on fakebook's download your information page. I am currently able to goto the page, and I wait for the login process to finish. However, when I try to detect the button using

page.$x("//div[contains(text(),'Create File')]")

nothing is found. The same thing occurs when I try to find it in the chrome dev tools console, both in a puppeteer window and in a regular window outside of the instance of chrome puppeteer is controlling:

enter image description here

This is the html info for the element:

html information for offending element

I am able to find the element however after I have clicked on it using the chrome dev tools inspector tool:

enter image description here (the second print statement is from after I have clicked on it with the element inspector tool)

How should I select this element? I am new to puppeteer and to xpath so I apologize if I just missed something obvious.

A small few links I currently remember looking at previously:

  1. Puppeteer can't find selector
  2. puppeteer cannot find element
  3. puppeteer: how to wait until an element is visible?

My Code:

const StealthPlugin = require("puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth");

(async () => {
 let browser;
 try {

   browser = await puppeteer.launch({
     headless: false,
     // path: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe",
     args: ["--disable-notifications"],
   const pages = await browser.pages();
   const page = pages[0];

   const url = "";

   await page.goto(url);

   //Handle the login process. Since the login page is different from the url we want, I am going to assume the user
   //has logged in if they return to the desired page.
   //Wait for the login page to process
   await page.waitForFunction(
     (args) => {
       return window.location.href !== args[0];
     { polling: "mutation", timeout: 0 },

   //Since multifactor auth can resend the user temporarly to the desired url, use a little debouncing to make sure the user is completely done signing in
   // make sure there is no redirect for mfa
   await page.waitForFunction(
     async (args) => {
       // function to make sure there is a debouncing delay between checking the url
       // Taken from:
       function delay(delayInms) {
         return new Promise((resolve) => {
           setTimeout(() => {
           }, delayInms);

       if (window.location.href === args[0]) {
         await delay(2000);
         return window.location.href === args[0];
       return false;
     { polling: "mutation", timeout: 0 },
   // await page.waitForRequest(url, { timeout: 100000 });

   const requestArchiveXpath = "//div[contains(text(),'Create File')]";
   await page.waitForXPath(requestArchiveXpath);
   const [requestArchiveSelector] = await page.$x(requestArchiveXpath);

 } catch (e) {
   console.log("End Error: ", e);
 } finally {
   if (browser) {
     await browser.close();


  • Resolved using the comment above by @vsemozhebuty and source. Only the last few lines inside the try must change:

        const iframeXpath = "//iframe[not(@hidden)]";
        const requestArchiveXpath = "//div[contains(text(),'Create File')]";
        //Wait for and get iframe
        await page.waitForXPath(iframeXpath);
        const [iframeHandle] = await page.$x(iframeXpath);
        //content frame for iframe =>
        const frame = await iframeHandle.contentFrame();
        //Wait for and get button
        await frame.waitForXPath(requestArchiveXpath);
        const [requestArchiveSelector] = await frame.$x(requestArchiveXpath);
        //click button 
        await page.waitForTimeout(3000);