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awk command accessing and overwriting file works in shell, but throws error when used in script

The following code forms a string (import statement), reads content from handler.js with awk, appends text after matched context "shell added import", then overwrite the file.

# setting path for project folders
# just an import statement - being used as string
local IMPORT_TEXT=(import ${MAIN_FUNCTION} from "'./model/${MODEL_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}'")
awk -v text=${IMPORT_TEXT} '1;/shell added import/{print text}' ${HANDLER_PATH}handler.js > ${HANDLER_PATH}handler.js_tmp && mv ${HANDLER_PATH}handler.js_tmp ${HANDLER_PATH}handler.js

Instead, it throws error [cannot read file]

Thing to note, it works in shell, but not from Also, this similar code works on other files, as well as script. Adding permissions for the same:

Other file: -rw-r--r--  1 user  staff  9384
handler.js: -rw-r--r--  1 user  staff  7453

As per other thread i referred, it is "some permission issue if it works from terminal but not from script"

Any help is appreciated!


  • It sounds like this is what you're really trying to do (untested):

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # setting path for project folders
    # just an import statement - being used as string
    import_text="import $MAIN_FUNCTION from \"'./model/$MODEL_NAME/$MODEL_NAME'\""
    awk -v text="$import_text" '
        { print }
        /shell added import/ { print text }
    ' "$hdlr" > "$tmp" &&
    mv -- "$tmp" "$hdlr"

    I expect that'd work as-is in zsh too if you prefer that shell.