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How to register "user id" reference for each SNS platform endpoint?

I'm configuring an SNS application and it's already registering platform endpoints for each device, and since I'm looking for a direct push notification capability for each user device, what's the better way to manage this relationship user <-> device?

I searched for the platform endpoint property UserId which first seem like a key for this relationship, but apparently, it's exclusively for Baidu platform, is that accurate? Keeping user's ids in CustomData also seems to be a bad decision given the lack of a method like listPlatformEndpointsByCustomData.

If so, I'm wondering if I'll need to persist all platform endpoint ARNs created at my user's entity and if it's reasonable.


  • The recommended approach is to have a 1:1 or 1:N User ID to Platform Application Endpoint ARN mapping in your database somewhere. As you highlighted, there is not a built-in solution for querying this type of data in SNS and therefore best handled in the application layer.