I have a flowing table
create table mytable
id serial not null primary key,
text_id varchar(20) not null,
customer_unit_id text,
Columns text_id
and customer_unit_id
basically store codes like K-2021-8524 and similar.
In a web interface I use search window to filter out entries by text_id
or customer_unit_id
Typical search would be like this
SELECT id, text_id
FROM mytable
WHERE UPPER(text_id::text) LIKE UPPER('%2021-8%')
OR UPPER(customer_unit_id ::text) LIKE UPPER('%176%')
I have created to GIN indexes to facilitate search
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS trgrm_test_text ON mytable
USING gin (Upper(text_id) gin_trgm_ops);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS trgrm_test_customer ON mytable
USING gin (Upper(customer_unit_id ) gin_trgm_ops);
I have tried to make 2 column GIN index in order to have one combined index instead of 2 separate - but it doesn’t work (seq scan)
Question – is it possible to have one combined index instead of 2 separate ones fro this exact type of queries???
PostgreSQL version -11
An alternative would be to create a third column containing a tsvector
with the contents of both columns and then index it, e.g.:
ALTER TABLE mytable ADD COLUMN ts tsvector;
UPDATE mytable SET ts = to_tsvector('english',text_id||' '||customer_unit_id);
CREATE INDEX trgrm_ts_vec_idx2 ON mytable USING gin (ts);
And you'd be able to query it like this:
SELECT id, text_id
FROM mytable
ts @@ to_tsquery('english', 'k-2021-8 | 176')
In case you cannot afford an extra column, you can use the tsvector
only in the index, but it would make queries a little confusing and it should be also a bit slower:
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS trgrm_ts_vec_idx ON mytable
USING gin (to_tsvector('english', text_id || ' ' || customer_unit_id));
And query it like this:
SELECT id, text_id
FROM mytable
to_tsvector('english', text_id || ' ' || customer_unit_id) @@
to_tsquery('english', 'k-2021-8 | 176');
Demo: db<>fiddle