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How to set conditional config options in flatpickr

I am successfully using flatpickr as my favorite date picker, but now I have to make the "defaultDate" input conditional.

    defaultDate: ucheckout,

That breaks my function. I have no idea how to use options conditionally. Please help. Thanks!

function _flattie() {
    const fpx = flatpickr(".flatpickr", {
        minDate: new Date().fp_incr(1), // 1 days from now
        dateFormat: "Y-m-d",
        disableMobile: "true",
            defaultDate: checkout,
        monthSelectorType: "static",
        inline: true,
        onChange: function() {
            selectedDate = new Date(tempDate).toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            stringDate = new Date(tempDate).toString("MMM dS yyyy"); 


  • Try with ternary conditionals:

    function _flattie() {
    const fpx = flatpickr(".flatpickr", {
        minDate: new Date().fp_incr(1), // 1 days from now
        dateFormat: "Y-m-d",
        disableMobile: "true",
        defaultDate: defDateExists ? checkout : null,
        monthSelectorType: "static",
        inline: true,
        onChange: function() {
            selectedDate = new Date(tempDate).toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            stringDate = new Date(tempDate).toString("MMM dS yyyy"); 