I have different spots for different rows/stations(didn't put the whole table for length reasons)and I want to have a live update of the values. They go into a pivot table and the edit works, but I am not sure how to also display the spots that are already in the database. They seem to appear for a split second when refreshing, but then they disappear, and also, when I try to edit multiple rows I am not sure how to empty the array such that it won't have the previous value without messing with the rest of the spots.
@foreach($selected_stations as $key => $selected_station)
<td class="border px-4 py-2">
<input name="spot[{{$selected_station->id}}]" wire:model="spot.{{$selected_station->id}}" wire:change="updatespot({{$selected_station->id}})" type="text" class="appearance-none block w-full bg-gray-200 text-gray-700 border border-gray-200 rounded py-3 px-4 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:bg-white focus:border-gray-500" value="{{$current_workbook->stations()->find($selected_station->id)->pivot->spot}}">
This is from my livewire component
public $spot;
public $spot_value;
public $selected_stations;
public $current_workbook;
public function mount($client, $workbook){
$this->selected_stations= $workbook->stations;
$this->current_workbook = Workbook::find($this->workbook_id);
foreach($this->selected_stations as $key => $selected_station){
$this->spot = $this->current_workbook->stations()->find($selected_station->id)->pivot->spot;
public function updatespot(Request $request, $station_id){
$this->spot_value = implode(", ", $this->spot);
// dd($this->spot_value);
$this->current_workbook->stations()->updateExistingPivot($station_id, ['spot'=>$this->spot_value]);
And this is the error that shows because I am not clearing the array
Warning: 1265 Data truncated for column 'spot' at row 1 (SQL: update
= 99, 45,updated_at
= 2021-08-11 19:56:10 wherestation_workbook
= 47 andstation_id
in (18))
You should only really need the wire:model
attribute in the frontend to enable you to render/update the spots values. Here's a simplified component example:
public $workbook;
public $stations;
public $spots;
public function mount($workbook)
$this->stations= $workbook->stations;
// This will give you an array of spots keyed by station id
$this->spots = $this->stations->pluck('pivot.spot', 'id')->all();
// ...
* Here we leverage a Livewire Lifecycle hook to
* detect when our $spots variable has been updated.
* This helpfully passes us the new value and the
* corresponding key, in this case our station id
public function updatedSpots($value, $key){
->updateExistingPivot($key, ['spot' => $value]);
So how does this work in the frontend? All we need on our inputs is the wire:model
attribute bound to the specific key in our $spots
@foreach($stations as $station)
<td class="border px-4 py-2">
<input type="text" wire:model="spots.{{ $station->id }}" class="...">
This updates in realtime for each input. Livewire has a built in debounce of 150ms for wire:model
, but can increase the delay on that to minimise the requests to your database:
<input type="text" wire:model.debounce.500ms="spots.{{ $station->id }}" class="...">