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How to auto pause video when scrolling / when the player is not visible on screen in flutter

I am working with a video player called 'flick video player'. I can play videos fairly okay with default functionality. The problem occurs when I scroll down the screen and the video continues to play in the background. I would like to pause it when it isn't visible, or when a user navigates to a different page on the project app.

The video player that I am using (flick_video_player) has video_player as its dependency.

Answers are much appreciated. Regards


  • I think you can use visibility detector for the purpose-

                                key: ObjectKey(flickManager),
                                onVisibilityChanged: (visibility){
                                  if (visibility.visibleFraction == 0 && this.mounted) {
                                    flickManager?.flickControlManager?.pause();//pausing  functionality 
                                child: Container(
                                  child: AspectRatio(
                                    aspectRatio: 1280/720,
                                    child: FlickVideoPlayer(
                                        flickManager: flickManager

    I was working on something similar. For more info like how to play it again and more you can refer this repo-

    Hope it helped!