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Why do I get "'list' object has no attribute 'func'" when using sympy.dsolve?

I am trying to solve this system of differential equations, but it doesn't work. What did I do wrong?

from sympy import Function, dsolve, Eq, Derivative, sin, cos, symbols
from import x

t = symbols('t')
x, y = symbols('x, y', cls=Function)
eq = (Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), -2 * Derivative(y(t), t) - 2 * x(t) - 5 * y(t) + 77),
      Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), -x(t) - 4 * y(t) + 61))

Here is the error I got:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-76dbeaa32a73> in <module>
----> 1 soln = dsolve((eq1, eq2))
      2 soln

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\solvers\ode\ in dsolve(eq, func, hint, simplify, ics, xi, eta, x0, n, **kwargs)
    573     """
    574     if iterable(eq):
--> 575         match = classify_sysode(eq, func)
    576         eq = match['eq']
    577         order = match['order']

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\solvers\ode\ in classify_sysode(eq, funcs, **kwargs)
   1954             if matching_hints['no_of_equation'] == 2:
   1955                 if order_eq == 1:
-> 1956                     type_of_equation = check_linear_2eq_order1(eq, funcs, func_coef)
   1957                 elif order_eq == 2:
   1958                     type_of_equation = check_linear_2eq_order2(eq, funcs, func_coef)

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\solvers\ode\ in check_linear_2eq_order1(eq, func, func_coef)
   1995 def check_linear_2eq_order1(eq, func, func_coef):
-> 1996     x = func[0].func
   1997     y = func[1].func
   1998     fc = func_coef

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'func'


  • This was a bug in SymPy that has already been fixed. Install SymPy 1.8 (latest release):

    In [1]: from sympy import Function, dsolve, Eq, Derivative, sin, cos, symbols
       ...: from import x
       ...: t = symbols('t')
       ...: x, y = symbols('x, y', cls=Function)
       ...: eq = (Eq(Derivative(x(t), t), -2 * Derivative(y(t), t) - 2 * x(t) - 5 * y(t) + 77),
       ...:       Eq(Derivative(y(t), t), -x(t) - 4 * y(t) + 61))
       ...: dsolve(eq)
    ⎡               -t       -3⋅t                 -t       -3⋅t     ⎤
    ⎣x(t) = - 3⋅C₁⋅ℯ   - C₂⋅ℯ     + 1, y(t) = C₁⋅ℯ   + C₂⋅ℯ     + 15⎦