I'm planning to create a huge executable directory and install it on some devices.
Imagine, that lateron I discover a bug in one of my python modules. Is there any way to transfer/copy only the modified byte code and replace the original byte code with the new one.
The reason I want to do this is, that in my context bandwidth is very expensive and I'd like to patch the code remotely.
Example: I have a project with two files:
: (with following three lines)
import mod1
if __name__ == "__main__":
: (with following two line)
def hello():
print("hello old world")
Now I use PYTHONHASHSEED=2 pyinstaller prog.py
to create my directory which I copy to my device
Now I modify mod1.py
def hello():
print("hello new world")
and I recompile with PYTHONHASHSEED=2 pyinstaller prog.py
The full directory has (tared and gzipped) a size of about 10M
The file dist/prog/prog
has a size of about 1M
with pyi-archive_viewer
I can extract PYZ-00.pyz
out of my executable dist/prog/prog
In PYZ-00.pyz
I can find and extract mod1
which uses only 133 bytes.
Now if I copy that file to my device, how could I update the old
such, that it has the new PYZ-00.pyz:mod1
byte code.
What code could I use to decompose, what code could I use to reassemble after having replaced one specific file (module)?
Alternative: Move pyc files to a zip file Startup performance is not that crucial. I could also live with an alternative solution, where no PYZ file is created and added to the executable, but where the dist directory contains a zip file with all the .pyc files
Another alternative: copy .pyc files into application directory
This would result in __file__
having exactly the same value as in the PYZ mode. Performance wise probably not that nice and creating a lot of files, but if incremental updates are crucial perhaps one option to handle it.
This solution is neither capable of 'patching' a .PYZ
file nor capable of putting all .pyc
files into a zip file.
But so far it is the only viable solution I found so far, that works for huge projects with loads of third party dependencies.
The idea is to remove all (or most files from the .PYZ file) and copy the corresponding .pyc files into the working directory.
I will enhance and elaborate this answer over time. I'm still experimenting:
I achieve this by modyfing the spec file:
where the spec file is located inMYDIR/src
where all the files from a.pure
shall be copied toMYDIR/src
. (with subdirectories corresponding to the module's name. Module mypackage.mod.common
would for example be stored in MYDIR/src/mypackage/mod/common.py
file and remove .py
file afterwards.PYZ
file which contains only the files that are not copied. (in my test case, keep no .pyc
file in the PYZ
(e.g. with a.datas + Tree("src")
Spec file Changes: At the beginning
import os
MYDIR = os.path.realpath(SPECPATH)
import mypyinsthelpers # allows to reuse the code in multiple projects
Then after the (unmodified) a = Analysis(...
section I add.
to_rmv_from_pyc = mypyinsthelpers.mk_copy_n_compile(a.pure, MYDIR)
# modified creation of pyz`
pyz = PYZ(a.pure - to_rmv_from_pyc, a.zipped_data,
I will detail the function mypyinsthelpers.mk_copy_n_compile
further down
Change the collect phase:
Instead of
coll = COLLECT(exe,
I write:
coll = COLLECT(exe,
a.datas + Tree("src"),
And here the declaration of mypyinsthelpers.mk_copy_n_compile()
import compileall
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
def mk_copy_n_compile(toc, src_tree):
- copy source files to a destination directory
- compile them as pyc
- delete source
dst_base_path = os.path.join(src_tree, "src")
to_rm = []
# copy files to destination tree
for entry in toc:
modname, src, typ = entry
assert typ == "PYMODULE"
assert src.endswith(".py") or src.endswith(".pyw")
# TODO: might add logic to skip some files (keep them in PYC)
if src.endswith("__init__.py"):
modname += ".__init__"
m_split = modname.split(".")
m_split[-1] += ".py"
dst_dir = os.path.join(dst_base_path, *m_split[:-1])
dst_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, m_split[-1])
if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir):
print(entry[:2], dst_path)
shutil.copy(src, dst_path)
# now compile all files and rmv src
top_tree = src_tree
src_tree = os.path.join(src_tree, "src")
curdir = os.getcwd()
for path in Path(dst_base_path).glob("**/*.py"):
# TODO: might add code to keep some files as source
str(path.relative_to(dst_base_path)), quiet=1, legacy=True)
return to_rm