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Default for resolving ambiguous access

Consider the following classes:

class VisitableNode {
    virtual void Visit();

class VisitableGraph {
    virtual void Visit();

class OtherNode {

class OtherGraph {

template<class G, class N>
class GraphNode : public G, public N {

class MyVisitableGraph : public GraphNode<VisitableGraph, VisitableNode> {

class MyOtherGraph : public GraphNode<OtherGraph, OtherNode> {

MyVisitableGraph visitableGraph;
visitableGraph.Visit(); // Ambiguous access. Could be either VisitableGraph::Visit or VisitableNode::Visit.

MyOtherGraph otherGraph;

The ambiguous access issue can be solved with using inside MyVisitableGraph:

class MyVisitableGraph : public GraphNode<VisitableGraph, VisitableNode> {
    using VisitableGraph::Visit;

But, is there a way to resolve the ambiguity inside GraphNode instead? I can't just do using G:Visit, as then MyOtherGraph would not compile. Is it for example possible to specify that by default, G should have higher precedence than N in order to resolve ambiguities in GraphNode?


  • As suggested by @463035818_is_not_a_number, this answer gave a solution:

    template<class G, class N>
    class GraphNode : public G, public N {
        template<class = decltype(&G::Visit)>
        void Visit() {

    It loses the virtual specifier, so it might not always be usable. And it is very hacky, so I don't think I'll use it. A way to say that all ambiguities should be resolved by using G over N would have been nicer.