I would like to use SCOOP (Scalable COncurrent Operations in Python) in a high performance computing context. To test SCOOP, I installed the module in an Anaconda environment (4.10.3) with Python 2.7.18 on my Windows machine. When running this example script from the docs:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from scoop import futures
def helloWorld(value):
return "Hello World from Future #{0}".format(value)
if __name__ == "__main__":
returnValues = list(futures.map(helloWorld, range(16)))
I got the following output in my console.
(scoop) C:\Users\flyinthelotion\Downloads>python -m scoop -n 6 test_scoop.py
[2021-08-12 09:39:35,285] launcher INFO SCOOP 0.7 1.1 on win32 using Python 2.7.18 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Apr 23 2020, 17:26:54) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)], API: 1013
[2021-08-12 09:39:35,285] launcher INFO Deploying 6 worker(s) over 1 host(s).
[2021-08-12 09:39:35,286] launcher INFO Worker distribution:
[2021-08-12 09:39:35,286] launcher INFO 5 + origin
Hello World from Future #0
Hello World from Future #1
Hello World from Future #2
Hello World from Future #3
Hello World from Future #4
Hello World from Future #5
Hello World from Future #6
Hello World from Future #7
Hello World from Future #8
Hello World from Future #9
Hello World from Future #10
Hello World from Future #11
Hello World from Future #12
Hello World from Future #13
Hello World from Future #14
Hello World from Future #15
Exception Exception TypeErrorTypeError: : ""''NNoonneeTTyyppee'' oobbjjeecctt iiss nnException ooTypeErrortt: "cc'aaNllollnaaebbTllyeep""e in in '<< bound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000004141C18>>bound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000003DB2C18>>o ignored
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Exception TypeErrorTypeErrorbound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000003DB2F28>>oException TypeError: : ignored
bTypeError: ""Exception j: "''TypeErrore"'NN: c'NNo"tooon' nnneNieeeTosTTTyn yyypenpppeToee'yte'' p ' oec 'obaoo bjlbbojeljjbecaeejctbccet lttc ie tis"ii s in ssi n< snobound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000003882F28>>nn ot ignored
oont Exception tto cTypeError tca: cc al"aacll'llalaNlllaboaalblnbbaleellbe"Teel" in y""e in <p in in "<bound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000003365C18>>e<< in bound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000003492F28>> ignored
'bound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000003945C18>>bound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000004141F98>>< ignored
Exception ignored
bound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000003DB2F98>>Exception TypeErroroException ignored
TypeError: bTypeError: "j: "'e"'Nc'NotNon oneineTseTy Typnyepop'ete ' 'o c boaojblbejljceaetcbc tlti e si"i s in sn < ontnbound method Socket.__del__ of <zmq.sugar.socket.Socket object at 0x0000000003882F98>>o o ignored
tct a clcalalallb[lal2021-08-12 09:39:37,559] launcher ( INFO Root process is done.
abebl"l in ee<"[2021-08-12 09:39:37,561] launcher ( INFO Finished cleaning spawned subprocesses.
Thus: SCOOP does what is needs to be doing but it also throws errors at the same time. The errors do not seem to have an impact on its performance though. Is this a problem for my future project, and how can I avoid these errors displaying?
The message that the exception was ignored is because all exceptions raised in a __del__
method are ignored to keep the data model sane. docs
If you want to cheap fix it yust try catch the error