I have a problem like this : In Splash Page , i check in sharedpreference to get saved token when login successfully .If i have token , i request Api to get account information and move to next page like this:
Future check() async {
String _getToken = await splashBloc.getTokenFormSharedPref();
if (_getToken=='0') {
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => LoginMain()));
} else {
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => HomeScreenMain()));
and this is BLoC class:
class SplashBloc extends BlocBase{
String _getToken = '';
Future<String> getTokenFormSharedPref() async{
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
_getToken = (prefs.getString('token') ?? '0');
return _getToken;
final accountInfoController = new StreamController<Account>();
Sink<Account> get accountInfoSink => accountInfoController.sink;
Stream<Account> get accountInfoStream => accountInfoController.stream;
Future getAccountInfo() async{
Account account = await NetworkService().getAccountInfo2(_getToken);
print('from splash: '+account.fullName);
void dispose() {
When i check log , it totally request successfully and the problem is how can i acesss data in streambuilder in next page that is HomeScreenMain()? Thanks for help!!
You can declare a variable in HomeScreenMain() and send the data you received before to the class constructor like this:
HomeScreenMain() {
final data;
and when you want to call this widget you can pass that data from block to this widget