I need to create a query that brings the sum of the totals of orders moved between January 1, 2006 and January 31, 2006, by resource name, person's name and person's uf code, regardless of whether person, resource, uf fields are filled.
I have this consultation so far.
Create table Ordered(
oid int,
movement date,
pid int,
rid int,
amount double,
unitary double,
total double,
Primary key (OID),
Constraint fk_PID Foreign key (PID) references People (PID),
Constraint fk_RID Foreign key (RID) references Resource (RID)
Create table Resource(
rid int,
code Varchar(25),
name Varchar(150),
Primary key (RID)
Create table People(
pid int,
code varchar(25),
name varchar(150),
FU int,
Primary key (PID),
Constraint fk_FID Foreign key (FID) references FU (FID)
Create table FU(
fid int,
code varchar(25),
name varchar(150),
Primary key (Fid)
select r.name,p.name,f.code,sum(o.total) from Ordered o
right join resource r on o.rid = r.rid right join
People p on o.pid = p.pid
right join fu f on p.fid = f.fid where o.movement >= '2006-01-01' and o.movement <= '2006-01-31' group by r.name,p.name,f.code
My problem is that the query is not listing when resources or people are null
With the following query (http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!9/c0f4fe/4)
I'm not 100% sure what you want. But if you want to list all people, even those with no orders, then start with people
and use left join
select r.name, p.name, f.code,sum(o.total)
from People p left join
Ordered o
on o.pid = p.pid and
o.movement >= '2006-01-01' and o.movement <= '2006-01-31' left join
resource r
on o.rid = r.rid left join
fu f
on p.fid = f.fid
group by r.name,p.name,f.code