I am trying to enclose some touchableopacity right next to plain text however, the plain text between two touchables is not appearing in line with touchable texts. PLease guide on how to fix this.
<Text style={{fontSize:10,textAlign:'center',}}>By clicking Sign up, you agree to Company's <TouchableOpacity ><Text style={{fontSize:10, color:'blue'}}>Terms of Service</Text></TouchableOpacity> and <TouchableOpacity><Text style={{fontSize:10, color:'blue'}}>Privacy Policy.</Text></TouchableOpacity></Text>
no need for touchableopacity
because Text
has onPress
<Text style={{fontSize:10,textAlign:'center'}}>
By clicking Sign up, you agree to Companys
onPress={() => alert("Terms of Service is clicked")}
style={{fontSize:10, color:'blue'}}>
Terms of Service
onPress={() => alert("Privacy Policy is clicked")}
style={{fontSize:10, color:'blue'}}>
Privacy Policy.