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How to write multiple for loop print results into a single line in a text file in python and beautifulsoup

The snippet below is working though not very presentable. I cant figure out how to write what is on display into outputfile.txt file. I want the snippet to write what is on display into a text file.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from itertools import groupby

url = ""
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")

data = []
for tr in"tr:has(td)"):
    tds = [td.get_text(strip=True) for td in"td")]
    _, txn_hash, tm, age, from_, _, to_, value, token = tds
    a ="a")[-1]["href"][7:]
    data.append((a, value, token))

data = sorted(data)
for _, g in groupby(data, lambda k: k[2]):
    g = list(map(list, g))
    trans = [f"{len(g)} TRANS", *[""] * (len(g) - 1)]
    total = sum(float(s.replace(",", "")) for _, s, *_ in g)
    total = [f"{total} TOTAL", *[""] * (len(g) - 1)]
    for subl in g[0:]:
        subl[1] = ""
        subl = ' '.join(map(str, subl))
    print(subl, end="\r")

    for tr, t, subl in zip(trans, total, g):
        print ("\t\t" + str(tr) + "   "  + str(t))

Current Output: Saved in the outputfile.txt - not presentable

['0x088bebef4e371757509e64d3508b6da6f376e2ac', '', 'DrakeBall To...(DBall)']    
['0x0e09fabb73bd3ade0a17ecc321fd13a19e81ce82', '', 'PancakeSwap ...(Cake)']    
['0x154a9f9cbd3449ad22fdae23044319d6ef2a1fab', '', 'CryptoBlades...(SKILL)']    
['0x3621f5b9786dfa52759c0392a72ac6818ed2c84f', '', 'EQIFI (EQX)']  1 TRANS  182513805147.0 TOTAL
['0x363621cb1b32590c55f283432d91530d77cf532f', '', 'BABYCAKE_Div...(BABYCA...)']  1 TRANS  37840.385 TOTAL
['0x4fd6d315bef387fad2322fbc64368fc443f0886d', '', 'Pancake LPs (Cake-L...)']    

Wanted Output Written to outputfile.txt:

0x9c65ab58d8d978db963e63f2bfb7121627e3a739  MDX Token (MDX)         1 TRANS   97.10128249433292 TOTAL
0xacb8f52dc63bb752a51186d1c55868adbffee9c1  BunnyPark (BP)          3 TRANS   340.2936687126161 TOTAL
0xb7dba4c673bedb174dc3ff7ec65d17c863d39b16  FAT CAKE (FATCAK...)    2 TRANS   6408272.9511043355 TOTAL
0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c  Wrapped BNB (WBNB)      2 TRANS   0.4472397706686812 TOTAL
0xdae18b46e0dbfecd441c47de1a6d7b57455a83ee  Pancake LPs (Cake-L...) 1 TRANS   0.22360679774997796 TOTAL


  • A somewhat simpler possible approach:

    tab = soup.select_one('table')
    data = []
    for entry in'table tbody tr'):
        cells ='td')
        token = cells[-1].select_one('a')['href'].split('token/')[1]
    for k, g in groupby(sorted(data), lambda k: k[0]):
        g = list(map(list, g))
        tot = sum([float(i[1].replace(',','')) for i in g ])    

    At the time I ran it, the output was something like:

     BABY DOGE BI... (BABYDB) , 0x6d9fb3332f62fc044d5075feeea597a92f1ce0ad , 1 TRANS , 60634807618.46239 TOTAL
     BLADE KNIGHT (BK) , 0x2bfe217caa076027ac24af0e261ed311478ddf78 , 1 TRANS , 4.800279067385619 TOTAL
     Binance-Peg ... (BSC-US...) , 0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955 , 1 TRANS , 15.242784023721224 TOTAL
