I am struggling to prove the following theorem (non-empty domain is assumed):
Theorem t (A: Set) (P: A -> Prop): (forall a: A, P a) -> (exists a: A, P a).
intros H.
Noramlly, having forall a: A, P a
I would deduce P c
, where c
is a constant. I.e. forall
quantifier would be eliminated. Once that done I would again deduce exists a
and my simple proof will be Qed
However, I can't find right way to eliminate on forall
in Coq.
I am new to it and I'd like to know how to eliminate forall
in Coq or what's the better way to prove the above-mentioned theorem?
P.S. I have seen this answer but it seems to be unrelated to my question.
Unlike other logical formalisms (e.g. Isabelle/HOL), in Coq it is perfectly possible to have an empty domain. If you want to prove your statement, you have to assume explicitly that A
is not empty. Here is one possibility.
Definition non_empty (A : Type) : Prop :=
exists x : A, True.
Theorem t (A : Set) (P : A -> Prop) :
non_empty A ->
(forall a : A, P a) ->
(exists a : A, P a).
intros [c _] H. exists c. apply H.