I have the below JSON (Sorry I dont know how to format it!) and I am struggling to understand how to extract values at the different levels.
My code so far is this which brings back the data required from the first few columns..
,JSON_VALUE(jsonstring,'$[0].addPoint') Addpoint
,JSON_VALUE(jsonstring,'$[0].department') department
,JSON_VALUE(jsonstring,'$[0].subBuilding') subBuilding
,JSON_VALUE(jsonstring,'$[0].buildingNumber') Buildingnumber
,JSON_VALUE(jsonstring,'$[0].buildingGroup') buildingGroup
However I am not sure how I would get the below columns..
"mpan" "serialnumber"
Can someone advise me as to what I am missing here? I haven't worked with JSON before and have googled but can't find a definite solution
"subStreet":"The Arches",
"street":"Clive Street",
"postCode":"r4d 1ES",
You can use the following paths: