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SlackAPI - payload deserialization with dynamic json properties

I work on my SlackAPI application.

I have created the modal window and when the form from this modal is submitted - I receive a JSON payload that looks like this (not important JSON part is removed)


This payload is processed by my endpoint correctly - except the part - state - values, which are nulls...

I have the models defined like this:

public class View
public State State { get; set; }

public class State
public Dictionary<string, Values> Values { get; set; }

public class Values
[JsonProperty()] // <- This is the problem
public Dictionary<string, DynamicValue> something { get; set; }

public class DynamicValue
[JsonProperty("selectedOptions")] // <- This is null
public Dictionary<string, SelectedOption> SelectedOptions { get; set; }

If the values (property names) will be static it will be okay, but the problem is, that : IGhn / e5+ are dynamically changing - so the deserialization does not work...

Must say that the whole JSON is deserialized correctly, but I can't deserialize the rest in under IGhn (I even don't know how to create class for the deserializer know what to do.... )


  • Ok - I found the solution:

    I have changed the class State:

        public class State
                public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, ParentForSelectedOption>> Values { get; set; }

    Then Object ParentForSelectedOption is deserialized in a regular way - so these dynamic names were solved by the use of Dictionaries and these can be removed:

    public class Values
    [JsonProperty()] // <- This is the problem
    public Dictionary<string, DynamicValue> something { get; set; }
    public class DynamicValue
    [JsonProperty("selectedOptions")] // <- This is null
    public Dictionary<string, SelectedOption> SelectedOptions { get; set; }