I'm working on a legacy project where we use Java 6 with Spring, Grails, etc.
The problem I'm running into, is that I have an file upload form, where we support support German filenames. In this case I have a file named something with "für" and I'm having difficulties with that now.
I have tried converting it to unicode to see if that solved the problem but I am now able to see why there's a problem. On Mac Chrome, it produces U+308 while on Mac Safari it produces U+00FC, with Safari it works and inserts correctly in MySQL, the other one fails.
The error from MySQL:
#1366 - Incorrect string value: '\xCC\x88r' for column `name` at row 1
When I try running this code:
UPDATE `X` SET `name` = 'für' WHERE `skabelon`.`id` = 1302
Why is there a difference and how can I fix it so it'll work with Chrome on Mac? Windows and Ubuntu Chrome works flawless.
It's now working after Normalizing the string.
It worked after I put it through normalizing in Java. Never knew that I needed that before now.
I used the Normalizer from java.text
Normalizer.normalize("String", Normalizer.Form.NFC)