I need to use NAnt to update one specific line in a .js file. The line will be something like:
global.ServerPath = 'http://server-path/';
I need a way to update the "server-path" part of that line with that of the destination server.
ReplaceString is no good, since I won't know what the path in the file is when I update it.
Any help?
Thanks in advance
If string::replace
doesn't work <regex>
can do the job. This is it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<project name="replace.line" default="replace">
<target name="replace" descripton="replaces a line">
value="C:\foo.js" />
<loadfile file="${js.file}" property="js.file.content" />
pattern="(?'BEFORE'.*)global\.ServerPath\s*=\s*'[^']*';(?'AFTER'.*)" />
message="${BEFORE}global.ServerPath = 'http://bla/';${AFTER}"
append="false" />