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Get data from network or database on entry/load of a Jetpack Compose based screen in Android

I am new to Jetpack Compose and Kotlin, but I am trying to develop a mobile app using recently stable Jetpack Compose v1.0.0.0

I am using the NavController for navigation and my screens are made using composable functions.

Because my screen itself is a composable function, I am not able to understand how I can load some API/DB data on composable function entry.

I tried to read about LaunchedEffect, but don't know if that is the right approach and it also appeared complex to implement.

Here is the sample code:

  1. DemoScreen.kt: Consider this as a screen that is my startDestination in NavHost.

    @Composable fun DemoScreen(navController: NavController) {

     var json = "Placeholder content, to be updated on screen load and refreshed every x seconds..."
     //1. Make network or DB call as soon as entering this composable and store in the "json" variable
     //makeDataLoadCallOnEntry() //something like this, and show processing indicator...
     //2. And then keep refreshing/updating the content of the "json" variable by calling this
     //function in a timer
     Box(modifier = Modifier
         //region #Region: Main content area
             horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
             verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
             modifier = Modifier
                 .padding(horizontal = 0.dp)
             //.padding(top = 120.dp)
         ) {
                 value = json,
                 onValueChange = { json = it },
                 singleLine = false,
                 modifier = Modifier
                 maxLines = 10,
             val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
                 onClick = {
                     coroutineScope.launch {
                         withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
                             try {
                                 //do something in button click
                             } catch (e: Exception) {
                                 // handle exception
                                 Log.d("button", e.message.toString())
                             } finally {
                                 //do something
                                 Log.d("button", "in finally")
                 modifier = Modifier
             ) {
                 Text(text = "Demo Button")


  2. And my NavHost looks like this (this is working fine):

    @Composable fun NavigationMaster() { val navController = rememberNavController() val defaultScreen = Screens.DemoScreen.route

         navController = navController,
         startDestination = defaultScreen){
             route = Screens.DemoScreen.route
             DemoScreen(navController = navController)


  3. How can I call a function on my DemoScreen composable entry to have the data from my API prior to the screen is rendered.

  4. If I can get the above, then I think I should be able to implement the timer part to automatically refresh the data from API using a loop and/or timer.

Here is a demo screenshot of how this screen currently looks (the Demo Button does not do anything, please ignore it):


  • You can do it using view model, something like this:

    fun DemoScreen() {
        val viewModel = viewModel<DemoScreenViewModel>()
        when (val state = viewModel.state.collectAsState().value) {
            DemoScreenViewModel.State.Loading -> {
            is DemoScreenViewModel.State.Data -> {
    class DemoScreenViewModel : ViewModel() {
        sealed class State {
            object Loading: State()
            data class Data(val data: String): State()
        private var _state = MutableStateFlow<State>(State.Loading)
        val state = _state.asStateFlow()
        init {
            viewModelScope.launch {
                while (isActive) {
                    val data = makeDataLoadCallOnEntry()
                    _state.value = State.Data(data)
                    // wait one minute and repeat your request
                    delay(60 * 1000L)
        suspend fun makeDataLoadCallOnEntry(): String {
            return "Hello world"