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How to display category thumbnail on WooCommerce category page?

I created a WooCommerce category, added description and an image to it.

enter image description here

There are some products in the category too.

Looking at the category in frontend (/product-category/mycat/) I see category description and product images - but not a category image. I tested it with all default WP themes and with Storefront too - category image is in no theme visible.

In the rendered source code there is nothing similar to category image - after title and description comes immediately the sorting dropdown:

enter image description here

What I'm missing?

Shouldn't category image appear automatically on the category page?

Or should I nevertheless trigger its displaying with adding of any code to theme file?

Indeed, the solution from is working for me - the category image appears.

Is there really no solution without custom code?


  • "Shouldn't category image appear automatically on the category page? Or should I nevertheless trigger its displaying with adding of any code to theme file?"

    Short answer

    No it does not show up by default! It all depends on the template/theme developer's architecture/preferences and how s/he has planned the theme out! If you'd like to customize your theme, then you could go ahead and add it manually to your theme templates using the snippet you found!