Please explain me which of two is secure, powerful one, fast enough on sending to and receiving requested data from the server in Flex!
I prefer working with remoting object with AMFPHP rather than HTTPService
AMF(Remote Objects) – Why its Better
- It’s a binary protocol .
- But its still encapsulated in HTTP so there is no concern with
firewalls or client issues and we can use our normal web debugging
- HTTP headers with a binary body.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 12:55:26 GMT
Content-Type: application/x-amf
(binaryamf body here)
- Because it is binary, it can use pointers.
- -Circular References
- -Objects only transmitted one time.
- Common Strings, for example, are only sent once, then all other
references to that string only contains a pointer, instead of being
- Same behavior for all Objects.
- Its Transmitted binary format (spec) is the same format as how the
Flash player stores its objects into memory.
- -No de-marshaling (expensive)
- -No de-serializing
- -Bits from HTTP stream flow ~> into Flash Player Memory
- James Ward Census Data
- -A flex application that is built to use several different transport
mechanisms while transferring the same data. Show comparative timings
of each stage of data transfer.
- -James Ward Census