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Parse sentences with different word types

I'm looking for a grammar for analyzing two type of sentences, that means words separated by white spaces:

  1. ID1: sentences with words not beginning with numbers
  2. ID2: sentences with words not beginning with numbers and numbers

Basically, the structure of the grammar should look like

ID1 separator ID2  

ID1: Word can contain number like Var1234 but not start with a number  

ID2: Same as above but 1234 is allowed  

separator: e. g. '='

I just tried to add two tokens '_' and '"' as lexer-rule Special for later use in lexer-rule Word. Even I haven't used Special in the following grammar, I get the following error in ANTLRWorks 1.4.2:
The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: Special
But when I add fragment before Special, I don't get that error. Why?

grammar Sentence1b1;

  TCUnderscore  = '_' ;
  TCQuote       = '"' ;

  :  id1 '=' id2

  :  Word+

  :  ( Word | Int )+

  :  Digit+

// A word must start with a letter
  :  ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | Digit )*

  : ( TCUnderscore | TCQuote )

  :  ( ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ) { $channel = HIDDEN; }

fragment Digit
  :  '0'..'9'

Lexer-rule Special shall then be used in lexer-rule Word:

  :  ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | Special ) ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | Special | Digit )*


  • I'd go for something like this:

    grammar Sentence;
      :  id1 '=' id2
      :  Word+
      :  (Word | Int)+
      :  Digit+
    // A word must start with a letter
      :  ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | Digit)*
      :  (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n') {skip();}
    fragment Digit
      :  '0'..'9'

    which will parse the input:

    Word can contain number like Var1234 but not start with a number = Same as above but 1234 is allowed

    as follows:

    enter image description here


    To keep lexer rule nicely packed together, I'd keep them all at the bottom of the grammar instead of partly in the tokens { ... } block, which I only use for defining "imaginary tokens" (used in AST creation):

    // wrong!
    Special      : (TCUnderscore | TCQuote);
    TCUnderscore : '_';
    TCQuote      : '"';

    Now, with the rules above, TCUnderscore and TCQuote can never become a token because when the lexer stumbles upon a _ or ", a Special token is created. Or in this case:

    // wrong!
    TCUnderscore : '_';
    TCQuote      : '"';
    Special      : (TCUnderscore | TCQuote);

    the Special token can never be created because the lexer would first create TCUnderscore and TCQuote tokens. Hence the error:

    The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: ...

    If you make TCUnderscore and TCQuote a fragment rule, you don't have that problem because fragment rules only "serve" other lexer rules. So this works:

    // good!
    Special               : (TCUnderscore | TCQuote);
    fragment TCUnderscore : '_';
    fragment TCQuote      : '"';

    Also, fragment rules can therefor never be "visible" in any of your parser rules (the lexer will never create a TCUnderscore or TCQuote token!).

    // wrong!
    parse : TCUnderscore;
    Special               : (TCUnderscore | TCQuote);
    fragment TCUnderscore : '_';
    fragment TCQuote      : '"';