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Swift extension of generic type that is Optional

I would like to extend SwiftUI Binding when its value is any optional type. Is it possible

extension Binding where Value == Optional {
    func filter(_ predicate: @escaping (Value) -> Bool) -> Binding<Value> {
            get: {
                if predicate(wrappedValue) { return nil }
                return wrappedValue
            set: {
                wrappedValue = $0

It works if I use some concrete type like Error? But I want to have more general solution.


  • You can create a generic T where T? == Value. This means that Value is an optional (and T is the wrapped value of the optional, even though we don't need this type directly).


    extension Binding {
        func filter<T>(_ predicate: @escaping (Value) -> Bool) -> Binding<Value> where T? == Value {
                get: {
                    if predicate(wrappedValue) { return nil }
                    return wrappedValue
                set: {
                    wrappedValue = $0