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Bash script does not allow to handover content to a variable, which is partly the counter of a for loop

I need to replace temporary stored files by variables. I call 6 files from a bitbucket repo and want to place each file content in an own variable.

# declare array for all files
declare -a file_array=("one.txt" "two.txt" "three.txt" "four.json" "five.txt" "six.txt")

for file in "${file_array[@]}"
     echo "$file"
     "file_$file='$(curl -k -s -X GET -H "${var1}" -H "${var2}" "${var3}${var4}")'"


This code just gives me an error. It seems like it is always taking the content of the file as a command:

$'file_one.txt=\'<<file content>>'': command not found


  • You have at least two problems here: you try to put a dot in a variable name, which is invalid, and you try to assign expressions. Plus your quoting which also looks strange.

    You could use namerefs (declare -n) and substitute the dots, e.g., with underscores:

    # declare array for all files
    declare -a file_array=("one.txt" "two.txt" ...)
    for file in "${file_array[@]}"; do 
      echo "$file"
      declare -n f="file_${file/./_}"
      f=$(curl -k -s -X GET -H "${var1}" -H "${var2}" "${var3}${var4}")
    printf '%s\n' "$file_one_txt"