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Cannot access Bitnami Stack LimeSurvey application (hosted on AWS ec2 instance) via browser after changing IP address

Please forgive me if this question is a bit ignorant (I am learning).

I have a Bitnami Stack for LimeSurvey hosted on an AWS ec2 instance. Everything was working as expected until I changed the IPv4 Public IP to an Elastic IP address. I did this as a first step in getting an SSL certificate for my LimeSurvey.

I can now no longer access the LimeSurvey via my browser (with, for example, to log in). The error I get in my browser is: Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at <<IP_ADDRESS>>.

I can still log on to the Bitnami Stack for Limesurvey via SSH, after having changed the Public DNS (IPv4) to the new elastic IP address.

I am assuming that I need to change a file on the Bitnami Stack for Limesurvey so that I can access the LimeSurvey app via a browser (and so that others can as well, in order to complete surveys). However, I cannot figure out how to do this, and cannot find documentation for this specific problem.

Thank you in advance for your help.


  • I ran the sudo /opt/bitnami/bnsupport-tool command on the Bitnami AWS instance, and the bnsupport-tool indicated that the instance certificate (/opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/server.crt) and private key (/opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/server.key) did not match.

    So, I had to generate a new SSL certificate and private key for the instance following these instructions in the Bitnami documentation. This solved the problem - I was able to regain access to the LimeSurvey app via a browser (and I only needed to create a temporary self-signed SSL certificate to do this).

    I hope this helps anyone who was as lost as I was (also, general note, the Bitnami Community is probably the best place to start for these kinds of problems)!