I try to capture those blocks of strings and comment on them using regexp and sed. Each block separated with space:
some text here
some text here
name: ${AppServer1.name}
ip: ${AppServer1.ip}
some text here
some text here
name: ${AppServer1.name}
ip: ${AppServer1.ip}
some text here
some text here
I try with this regexp:
sed E '/./{H;1h;$!d} ; x ; s/[^\$AppServer1](AppServer1)/#\1/gi'
but the result is:
name: $#{AppServer1.name}
ip: $#{AppServer1.ip}
What am I missing here to comment the full string to be as below?
# name: ${AppServer1.name}
# ip: ${AppServer1.ip}
Using gnu-sed
, you can do this:
sed '/^AppServer1/I{:a; /^[[:blank:]]*$/!{s/.*/#&/; n; ba;} }' file
some text here
some text here
# name: ${AppServer1.name}
# ip: ${AppServer1.ip}
some text here
some text here
name: ${AppServer1.name}
ip: ${AppServer1.ip}
some text here
some text here
: Search for AppServer1
case insensitive{
: Block start
: Make label a
If a line is not a blank line{s/.*/#&/; n; ba;}
: Prepend each line with #
, read next line and goto label a
: Block endUsing awk
you can do this:
awk '/^AppServer1/ {b=1} b && !NF {b=0} b {$0 = "#" $0} 1' file
some text here
some text here
# name: ${AppServer1.name}
# ip: ${AppServer1.ip}
some text here
some text here
name: ${AppServer1.name}
ip: ${AppServer1.ip}
some text here
some text here