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Conversion of breakOut - use iterator or view?

Scala 2.13 migration guide contains a note regarding how to port collection.breakOut:

collection.breakOut no longer exists, use .view and .to(Collection) instead.

and few paragraphs below in a overview table there is:

Description Old Code New Code Automatic Migration Rule
no longer exists
val xs: List[Int]
val xs =

The scala-collection-migration rewrite rule uses .iterator. What is the difference between the two? Is there a reason to prefer one to the other?


  • When used like that there is no real difference.

    A View can be reused while an Iterator must be discarded after it's been used once.

    val list = List(1,2,3,4,5)
    val view = list.view
    val viewPlus1 = + 1).toList
    view.foreach(println) // works as expected
    val it = list.iterator
    val itPlus1 = + 1).toList
    it.foreach(println) // undefined behavior

    In its simplest form a View[A] is a wrapper around a function () => Iterator[A], so all its methods can create a fresh Iterator[A] and delegate to the appropriate method on that iterator.