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Manipulate column expression/formulas in multiple Access 2016 Queries

I'm used to excel/excel vba and have been tasked with using access for reports.

Every month I have a multitude of different queries that I need to manipulate essentially the same expression/formula. Adding a column(month of the year) to the total up fiscal year as time passes.

Example of simplified expressions for the month columns that grabs data pending the metric by the month number: Column 3 is M1: Sum(IIf([TableName].Month=1 And Forms!frmTest!cboMetric="x",[x],IIf([TableName].Month=1 And Forms!frmTest!cboMetric="y",[y],0))) Column 4 is M2: Sum(IIf([TableName].Month=2 And Forms!frmTest!cboMetric="x",[x],IIf([TableName].Month=2 And Forms!frmTest!cboMetric="y",[y],0))) Ect for the Months.

Fiscal year to date column expression FYTD= [M1] + [M2] , ect.

So each month of the fiscal year I need to add the next month, so = [M1] + [M2] + [M3], then the month after that =[M1] + [M2] + [M3] + [M4], and so on until the new fiscal year which I just need =[M1].

I didn't know if in vba or some other way if I could automate this or put a formula in a table entry and have that be the expression for the queries I need and then just change that one entry.


  • here is one example. I like to use public functions to implement business rules as then you can use the business rules everywhere.

    Private metric As String
    'encapsulating form properties in synthetic public properties using public functions has lots of advantages but is not necessary
    Public Function getMetric() As String
    getMetric = IIf(IsNull(metric), "default", metric)
    End Function
    Public Function setMetric(value) As Boolean
    metric = value
    setMetric = True ' calling subroutines can be confusing so pointless return value to make a function
    End Function
    Public Function MonthSum(Month As Integer, metric As String) As Double
    Dim X, Y As Double
    X = DLookup("X", "Table3", "Month = " & Month) 'need to get values from other rows so we must resort to Dlookup or correlated sub queries
    Y = DLookup("Y", "Table3", "Month = " & Month)
    MonthSum = IIf(metric = "x", X, IIf(metric = "y", Y, 0))
    End Function
    Public Function FYTD(Month As Integer, metric As String) As Double
    'todo tighten this loop
    Select Case Month
    Case 1
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric)
    Case 2
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric)
    Case 3
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric)
    Case 4
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric)
    Case 5
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric) + MonthSum(5, metric)
    Case 6
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric) + MonthSum(5, metric) + MonthSum(6, metric)
    Case 7
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric) + MonthSum(5, metric) + MonthSum(6, metric) + MonthSum(7, metric)
    Case 8
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric) + MonthSum(5, metric) + MonthSum(6, metric) + MonthSum(7, metric) + MonthSum(8, metric)
    Case 9
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric) + MonthSum(5, metric) + MonthSum(6, metric) + MonthSum(7, metric) + MonthSum(8, metric) + MonthSum(9, metric)
    Case 10
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric) + MonthSum(5, metric) + MonthSum(6, metric) + MonthSum(7, metric) + MonthSum(8, metric) + MonthSum(9, metric) + MonthSum(10, metric)
    Case 11
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric) + MonthSum(5, metric) + MonthSum(6, metric) + MonthSum(7, metric) + MonthSum(8, metric) + MonthSum(9, metric) + MonthSum(10, metric) + MonthSum(11, metric)
    Case 12
    FYTD = MonthSum(1, metric) + MonthSum(2, metric) + MonthSum(3, metric) + MonthSum(4, metric) + MonthSum(5, metric) + MonthSum(6, metric) + MonthSum(7, metric) + MonthSum(8, metric) + MonthSum(9, metric) + MonthSum(10, metric) + MonthSum(11, metric) + MonthSum(12, metric)
    End Select
    End Function

    for this example I set metric in a combobox on a form:

    Private Sub cboMetric_AfterUpdate()
    setMetric (Me.cboMetric.value)
    End Sub

    I then use metric in a query:

    enter image description here

    When I select y in cboMetric and rerun the query I get:

    enter image description here