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D3 Y-axis with multiple labels

I want to create a d3 graph where on y axis labels will come as shown in the given image

they are months -> below that respective quarter -> below that respective year

Please help me how to create this.


  • Here's one way to achieve this.

            <script src=""></script>
            <div id="chart"></div>
                // dimensions
                const width = 800;
                const height = 100;
                const margin = { left: 20, right: 20 };
                // add main svg element
                const svg ='#chart')
                    .attr('width', width)
                    .attr('height', height);
                // create x scale
                const startDate = new Date(2019, 1, 01);
                const endDate = new Date(2022, 0, 01);
                const months = d3.timeMonth.range(startDate, endDate);
                const x = d3.scaleTime()
                    .domain([startDate, endDate])
                    .range([margin.left, width - margin.right]);
                // Month label
                const monthAxis = g => g.append('g')
                                   // every month, show abbreviation
                            .ticks(d3.timeMonth.every(1), d3.timeFormat('%b')));
                // Quarter label
                // map from month index (Jan is 0) to quarter label
                const monthToQuarter = new Map([
                  [2, 'Q1'], // March
                  [5, 'Q2'], // June
                  [8, 'Q3'], // September
                  [11, 'Q4'] // December
                const quarterAxis = g => g.append('g')
                    // move these labels 30 pixels down
                    .attr('transform', `translate(0,30)`)
                            // don't add room for ticks
                            // only have labels for Mar, Jun, Sep, and Dec
                            .tickValues(months.filter(d => monthToQuarter.has(d.getMonth())))
                            // show the quarter instead of the date
                            .tickFormat(d => monthToQuarter.get(d.getMonth())))
                    // remove the baseline
                    .call(g =>'.domain').remove())
                    // remove tick lines
                    .call(g => g.selectAll('.tick>line').remove())
                // Year label
                const yearAxis = g => {
                  const group = g.append('g')
                      // move these labels 60 pixels down
                      .attr('transform', `translate(0,60)`);
                  // data for line segments for year ranges
                  // lines go from february to january
                  const segments = months.filter(d => d.getMonth() === 1)
                    .map(feb => {
                      const jan = d3.timeMonth.offset(feb, 11);
                      return [feb, jan];
                  const y = 6;
                  // add lines
                      .attr('x1', d => x(d[0]))
                      .attr('x2', d => x(d[1]))
                      .attr('y1', y)
                      .attr('y2', y)
                      .attr('stroke', 'lightgray');
                  // add circles
                      .attr('cx', d => x(d))
                      .attr('cy', y)
                      .attr('r', 3)
                      .attr('fill', 'lightgray');
                  // add labels for years
                              // don't add room for ticks
                              // center year labels between July and August
                                  .filter(d => d.getMonth() === 6)
                                  .map(d => d3.timeDay.offset(d, 15))
                              .tickFormat(d => d.getFullYear()))
                      // remove the baseline
                      .call(g =>'.domain').remove())
                      // remove tick lines
                      .call(g => g.selectAll('.tick>line').remove())
                        Duplicate the label and make it have a thick
                        white stroke. This provides a white background
                        to the labels so that the line does not show
                        behind them.
                        The same technique is used here:
                      .call(g => g.selectAll('.tick>text').clone()
                                     .attr('stroke', 'white')
                                     .attr('stroke-width', '4')
                                     .attr('fill', null)
                                     .text(d => d.getFullYear()))
                // Draw axes

    This adds three axes, one beneath the other. The axis for the years requires a bit more work to handle the lines and circles.

    Here's what the output looks like:

    This image contains a screenshot of the axes created by the above code.