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Trying to select data and then do a average on the selected data in mariadb

SELECT counts FROM (SELECT COUNT(ch_id) AS counts FROM tbl_warrants_checked WHERE status = "active" GROUP BY dateChecked);

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enter image description here


  • This uses MariaDB 10.5, but should work with any version since ~10.2.2.

    If we assume every day has data, or we don't care about the days which have no data, the following will calculate the average checks per day since 1 month ago (the last month of data):

    -- Average of counts per day since ~1 month ago.
    -- Only for days present in the set
    SELECT AVG(counts) AS average
      FROM (
              SELECT COUNT(ch_id) AS counts
                FROM tbl_warrants_checked
               WHERE status = 'active'
                 AND dateChecked > (current_date - INTERVAL '1' MONTH)
               GROUP BY dateChecked
           ) AS x

    Sample result:

    | average |
    |  3.2941 |

    If we wish to account for missing days and treat them as 0, the following generates the days since 1 month ago and LEFT JOINs that with the found counts per day:

    -- Average of counts per day since ~1 month ago.
    -- Treat missing days as 0
    WITH RECURSIVE dates (date) AS (
              SELECT current_date UNION ALL
              SELECT date - INTERVAL '1' DAY FROM dates
               WHERE date > (current_date - INTERVAL '1' MONTH)
    SELECT AVG(COALESCE(counts, 0)) AS average
      FROM dates AS d
      LEFT JOIN (
              SELECT dateChecked
                   , COUNT(ch_id) AS counts
                FROM tbl_warrants_checked
               WHERE status = 'active'
                 AND dateChecked > (current_date - INTERVAL '1' MONTH)
               GROUP BY dateChecked
           ) AS x
        ON = x.dateChecked

    Sample result:

    | average |
    |  1.7500 |

    Working test case with data which produces the above results

    Note: We could also have calculated the missing days and used that in the final calculation without the recursion and JOIN. There's another simplification available as well.