I'm trying to port this webapp to Docker. I wrote the following Dockerfile:
FROM anapsix/alpine-java
COPY aard2-web-0.7-java6.jar /home/aard2-web-0.7-java6.jar
COPY start.sh /home/start.sh
CMD ["bash", "/home/start.sh"]
EXPOSE 8013/tcp
Here are the contents of start.sh
java -Dslobber.browse=true -jar /home/aard2-web-0.7-java6.jar /home/dicts/*.slob
Then I built the image:
docker build -t aard2-docker .
And I used the following command to run the container:
docker run --name Aard2 -p -v /home/<name>/dicts:/home/dicts aard2-docker
The app is running normally, prompting that it's listening at However, I opened the address only to find that I couldn't connect to the app.
I tried using the EXPOSE
command (as shown in the Dockerfile snippet above) and variants of the -p
flag, such as -p
, -p 8013:8013
, -p 8013:8013/tcp
, but none of them worked.
How can I expose/publish the port to properly? Thanks!
Here's the response from the original author:
you need to tell the server to listen on all network interfaces instead of localhost - that is you are missing -Dslobber.host=
this works for me:
FROM anapsix/alpine-java COPY ./build/libs/aard2-web-0.7.jar /home/aard2-web-0.7.jar CMD ["bash", "-c", "java -Dslobber.host= -jar /home/aard2-web-0.7.jar /dicts/*.slob"] EXPOSE 8013/tcp
and then run like this:
docker run -v $HOME/Downloads:/dicts -p 8013:8013 --rm aard2-web
opens default browser, I don't think this has any effect in docker so don't need that.https://github.com/itkach/aard2-web/issues/12#issuecomment-895557949